“The most successful ones master the game, not just the plays and players.” - Phoenix Normand



Raised in East Texas


Favorite Color

Charcoal Grey


Spirit Animal


So, who is Phoenix Normand?

I live my life with YOLO (you only live once) as my North Star. I fill it with as many random experiences as I can, constantly pushing my limits, challenging my own beliefs, and embracing discomfort knowing something really cool likely awaits just beyond the struggle to get there.

I started life as a farm boy in rural East Texas. After discovering a talent and love for the arts at a young age I graduated with honors and became a professional tour dancer and singer, traversing the globe for over a decade with a Grammy-winning artist. I've lived and studied in 5 countries and am conversational in several languages. I've met and performed for three US Presidents, stadiums full of screaming fans, and even met the Dalai Lama.

Professionally, I cut my teeth in Investment Banking during dot-com 1.0. My first job was in a typing pool editing and typing research reports that would eventually become the genesis of the market we live in today. I’ve since observed and supported game-changing CEOs in investment banking, retail, tech, aerospace, and non-profit for over 30 years. As such, I’ve developed a keen understanding of how businesses (good and bad) operate, the requisite business intuition and acumen needed to succeed, and developed a masterful understanding of how top CEOs think, network, and execute leveraging everything and everyone within their spheres of influence to get results. This has allowed me to rise through the ranks professionally in roles typically not populated by “people like me,” and create a level of respect based less on what I looked like and more on what I brought to the table.

My life, en masse, has been pretty amazing, but not always easy. I almost died twice from stress-related heart incidents before age 31, bounced back from bankruptcy in my late 20s (my lowest point in life), and lost several close friends to drugs, disease, suicide, and murder. Still, I rose from those perceived tragedies to become the strongest, most results-driven person I know and built the resilience and mechanisms to achieve absolutely anything I endeavor. 

Admittedly, my coaching career began as a happy accident. Having been the default for advice and the “go-to” during crises for decades by peers and executives I supported, it was through one of many epiphanies when I decided to lean into what I do innately well. I put in the work, procured a few certifications, and launched my coaching career.

Now, I pay all the knowledge and experiences forward to that subset of passionate ones who exhibit the drive and desire to succeed but may simply lack the clarity, focus, strategy, and accountability needed to execute effectively. There’s nothing more rewarding to me than helping my clients clarify their journey, dig in, and succeed “with their own two hands.”